What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is primarily known today as a personality typing system describing nine patterns that influence how people interpret the world and make sense of life. It highlights the core beliefs, fears, and motivations that shape an individual’s perception of themselves and of others. These patterns form perceptual filters that limit one’s ability to see situations, themselves, and others clearly.
Once people discover the personality pattern that they most identify with, they begin to observe the limiting beliefs and the repeated behaviors that are constraining their ability to live a happy and fulfilling life. They also begin to appreciate that not everyone thinks as they do, opening the door for greater understanding and compassion. They can now be open to new choices and to new sources of joy and satisfaction in work and in relationships.
The Enneagram becomes a lens through which to see life more clearly, an instrument for self-understanding, and a tool for improving relationships.
The Enneagram is a key that unlocks new ways of seeing yourself and others. It enhances self-understanding and improves relationships.
The Benefits of Studying the Enneagram
You will:
■ understand how we each perceive the world differently
■ have insight into why you are misperceived in certain situations
■ be more skillful with the people you live with, work with or manage
■ understand your strengths and weaknesses as a partner, parent or spouse
■ see why certain relationships challenge you more than others
■ increase your ability to be empathic towards others
■ build more intimacy and deeper connection with people that matter to you