Study Groups
Study groups provide you with a way to integrate the Enneagram teachings into your daily life. You will increase your self-observation skills, gain insight into all nine types, and learn to see all of your interactions through the lens of the Enneagram.
Study groups are facilitated by Frank De Luca and will meet monthly three times. Each group is limited to 12 participants. Choose either the Saturday morning series or the Monday evening series:
Saturday Mornings: 9:30 to 11:30 AM
June 8
July 20
August 10
Monday Evenings: 6:30 to 8:30 PM
June 10
July 22
August 12
Location: Eagle Brewery Saloon
Location: 355 S. Oregon Street
Eight parking spaces are available in back. Use the gravel driveway south of the house.
Suggested honorarium is $20 per person per session.
Reservation for Study Groups
Complete and submit the form below. The groups are limited to twelve participants each and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. You will be notified by Friday, May 17th, if you are admitted to your chosen study group or if you are on a wait list.